Thursday, November 12, 2015

When is too much force too much?

You have to listen to this news report and ask the question, "When is too much force, too much?"  OK, I get the point that this man was arrested. I get it that he kicked out the window of the police car when you are "at the hospital", but does it take THREE police to tase?  And to top it off, you place him back in the police car and tase him again?   Why didn't you take him into the Emergency room which is where you was headed anyway?  Maybe if they had continued with the orginal plan, the man wouldn't have died and they wouldn't have this lawsuit.  Hey, I'm just saying.

Last night I saw for the first time the video of that poor brother (Linwood Lambert) being tasered to death in Virginia by another group of outta-control, scary, and racist law enforcement officials, and the shit was really hard to watch. But I needed to see it, because I have to keep reminding myself of the dangers we Black men face when dealing with color aroused individuals in positions of authority.
Now listen…….Linwood Lambert was not under arrest. None the less, in an encounter almost identical to another high-profile incident where a Black woman in police custody was repeatedly tasered by police and then died, Lambert died too……..under the same type of suspicious circumstances. Hum?
Two years ago, yep……..two years ago three police officers discovered Lambert in a Virginia motel, where he was acting delusional, probably…most likely due to the fact that he’d been using cocaine.
They handcuffed him and put him in a squad car, supposedly intending to bring him to a hospital to receive medical care. But Lambert never made it inside the hospital….or, at least, he never made it inside alive. Hum? In the video we see Lambert kicking out the police car’s window and then running for dear life to the emergency room door. The officers chase him to the hospital entrance, where they begin chargin him up with their stun guns. At one point, while bro-man is lying on the ground, an officer is overheard telling him “every time you get up, I’m going to pop you.” Then they shackle Lambert’s legs, and lead him back into the police car, where they tase his ass again. While he is in the car, an officer tells bro-man that he will be tased another time unless he sits up. In total three officers discharged they’re tasers 20 times in about a half-an-hour on him!! After police shackled Lambert at the hospital door they arrested him and drove to jail. By the time they arrived, however, bro-man was unconscious. The officers checked his pulse, attempted CPR and called for an ambulance, which took him back to the same hospital where he was tased. By the time he made it inside the hospital, his heart rate had already flat lined. Lambert’s official autopsy shows that the cause of death was “cocaine intoxication,” but hell, the same autopsy shows that he had “less than 0.01 mg/L” of Yao in his blood, an impossible level for an overdose. All three of the officers involved in this incident have since been promoted for a job well done.

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