Monday, November 23, 2015

'Tiger mom' jailed for six months after beating foster son over unfinished homework

This is ridiculous.  If this was America, she would have been put in prison for a couple of years. And the child would have been removed from her home at the first sign of being abused.

I understand that each country has their own laws, but this is ridiculous.  She jailed for six months after beating foster son over unfinished homework.  What would she do if he didn't take out the trash?  
I'm just saying
The boy shows his hands and back covered in scars.
A local court in Nanjing ruled that the foster mother who beat her son after he failed to complete his homework had gone "too far," upholding her six-month prison term.
The case broke in April after a boy, allegedly from Nanjing city, with several red-raw marks across his back suggestive of an intense whipping.
The weibo user who posted the original photos wrote: "At the age of six, the boy was legally adopted by his foster parents in Nanjing. The abusive conduct was found out by the boy's teachers last year, but at the time the teachers thought it might have been an accident, so it didn't get publicized."
The boy was the third child of a rural family in Anhui Province, according to local media. He had been adopted by his aunt in the hope that he could receive a better education in the city.
Xinhua reports that police in Nanjing detained the mother, surnamed Li, who confessed to beating her 9-year-old son with a back scratcher and skipping rope for not doing his homework and telling lies.
Li was handed a prison term in September following a medical report which stated that the boy had suffered "minor injury." She appealed the decision.
"I'm not a bad mother. I was just trying to discipline my child," Li said at the trial. She apologized for her misbehavior and pleaded not guilty.
Strangely his biological parents had pleaded with prosecutors to show Li leniency, arguing that she loved the boy but had dealt with this issue in an overzealous fashion. During yesterday's trial, Li's lawyer showed a video made by the boy in which he asked for Li to return home.
The prosecutors defended the sentence, saying no matter how much Li might have loved her son, she had inflicted injury on the child. The boy's biological mother said the boy was temporarily back in her custody, but she was worried about the "poor conditions" back in their rural home, and the child's future.
Earlier this year, a tiger mom from Guangdong drew harsh criticism from netizens after forcing her child to kneel naked in the street and beg for money as punishment for hurting a fellow classmate in a fight.
Contact the author of this article or email with further questions, comments or tips.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


This is a very kind gesture.  But I have some questions. Is he going to also build housing for them?  Will the Greece government provide medical and other things for their needs?  Or will this turn out to be another tent city for these people?  Read the article and tell me what do you think.

And as alway...... "I'm just saying"

Monday, November 16, 2015

This Is A Stupid Idea

OK, I have to address this because it is one of the most stupid thing I have EVER heard of today.  What I'm I talking about? I'm' going to tell you.  Lego has made slippers to wear so when you step on that hard piece of plastic, you won't hurt your feet.

Let me clear something up.  I don't hate them, in fact, my own daughter had them as a child.  They bring out the creativity in a children's mind.  I never walked on Lego', s but heard plenty of parents swear about hurting their feet on them.

How did I avoid the pain?  It was easy I only had to tell my daughter once about putting her Lego's away.  How did I accomplice this? Easy.  The very first time I saw some on the floor,  I got the broom,  dustpan and swept them up right in front of her!  Was she in shock? Hell yeah.  Did I care? Hell no.  Did I have this problem anymore with Lego's or any other toys?  I'll let you think about it.  To this day, she knows the rule and she'll be 20 this year, lol.

So, to all those parent's that are facing this problem,  save your money on the slippers and bring out that broom.   And as I always say......I'm just saying.

Friday, November 13, 2015

What in the world is going on?

OK, a woman in Massachusetts won the right to wear a colander on her head for her drivers license. This is the most assinine think I have heard this month.  I say this month because I'm sure someone, somewhere will do something to make the list.

I would love to see the faces of people that ask her for some ID.  Knowing me, I would give her that one raised eyebrow thing I do, followed by the WTF look.  And then call my fellow workers over to see what an ass she is.  I would then follow up with, "OK?" response.

Here's the article read it for yourself and as always,   I'm Just Saying...

Thursday, November 12, 2015

When is too much force too much?

You have to listen to this news report and ask the question, "When is too much force, too much?"  OK, I get the point that this man was arrested. I get it that he kicked out the window of the police car when you are "at the hospital", but does it take THREE police to tase?  And to top it off, you place him back in the police car and tase him again?   Why didn't you take him into the Emergency room which is where you was headed anyway?  Maybe if they had continued with the orginal plan, the man wouldn't have died and they wouldn't have this lawsuit.  Hey, I'm just saying.

Last night I saw for the first time the video of that poor brother (Linwood Lambert) being tasered to death in Virginia by another group of outta-control, scary, and racist law enforcement officials, and the shit was really hard to watch. But I needed to see it, because I have to keep reminding myself of the dangers we Black men face when dealing with color aroused individuals in positions of authority.
Now listen…….Linwood Lambert was not under arrest. None the less, in an encounter almost identical to another high-profile incident where a Black woman in police custody was repeatedly tasered by police and then died, Lambert died too……..under the same type of suspicious circumstances. Hum?
Two years ago, yep……..two years ago three police officers discovered Lambert in a Virginia motel, where he was acting delusional, probably…most likely due to the fact that he’d been using cocaine.
They handcuffed him and put him in a squad car, supposedly intending to bring him to a hospital to receive medical care. But Lambert never made it inside the hospital….or, at least, he never made it inside alive. Hum? In the video we see Lambert kicking out the police car’s window and then running for dear life to the emergency room door. The officers chase him to the hospital entrance, where they begin chargin him up with their stun guns. At one point, while bro-man is lying on the ground, an officer is overheard telling him “every time you get up, I’m going to pop you.” Then they shackle Lambert’s legs, and lead him back into the police car, where they tase his ass again. While he is in the car, an officer tells bro-man that he will be tased another time unless he sits up. In total three officers discharged they’re tasers 20 times in about a half-an-hour on him!! After police shackled Lambert at the hospital door they arrested him and drove to jail. By the time they arrived, however, bro-man was unconscious. The officers checked his pulse, attempted CPR and called for an ambulance, which took him back to the same hospital where he was tased. By the time he made it inside the hospital, his heart rate had already flat lined. Lambert’s official autopsy shows that the cause of death was “cocaine intoxication,” but hell, the same autopsy shows that he had “less than 0.01 mg/L” of Yao in his blood, an impossible level for an overdose. All three of the officers involved in this incident have since been promoted for a job well done.