Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Things that make you go Hmm?

Have  you ever bought a product and with hindsight wondered where the heck it came or made? Like that bottle of "Spring" water. We all know that the chances of actually getting "pure" spring water are almost none existed. Well as consumers, we have the right to know where the products we purchase come from. And with so many things being cheaply made and in most cases unregulated in countries like China and Taiwan (I'm not saying that this is true with every product so don't get your panties in a bunch). Some of those companies are out to make a quick dollar that it just doesn't meet USA standards like some of  those new spiral light bulbs.
But I'm not here to talk about how poorly products are being made, I'm talking about being able to read the barcode on the products.  I found this information extremely interesting. Especially if you are particular about where your products come from or if you're boycotting a country. Below you'll find a sample bar code, which just happen to be a product from Taiwan. Also, you'll find some the country bar codes. Instead of trying to memorize  the codes,  I suggest that you write this information on an index card or smaller and bring it when you shop. Use this information to your health. 

Does bar code say made in China?

Want to learn more about barcodes? Check out this Wikihow.com  http://www.wikihow.com/Read-12-Digit-UPC-Barcodes They go into greater details.

And as always, "I'm just Saying...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Why are Chinese men marrying Black African women and not Black American Women

OK, I've noticed that there are a lot of Chinese men marrying African women. That made  me to wonder what makes my African sisters able to attract these men and my African American sister catching hell to get one?  So, I sat out to find the answer and came across some pretty intriguing probabilities.
1.             These Chinese men travel to other countries to start a business. And unless they start importing Chinese women, they’re going to start dating and marrying what is available.
2.            There is a shortage of Chinese women in China due to their one child per family. And most of them are praying to Buda that they have a boy.  You can have another child or multiple it is frowned upon by the government and society. You have to pay a fine and all the medical concerning this addition. And who has that kind of money, even the wealthy Chinese aren't doing it.  There is a happier side if you live in a rural area, farm country you can have all the kids you want.  The reason for this is most of the young people leave and go to school and work in the big cities. That means there  are fewer people to work on the farms. Parents are always hoping that at least some of your kids will stay and help work the farm.
3.            Chinese men want that son’s. The men in China will divorce their wives and marry another woman until they get that son. In some cases, they have divorced several times to have several son’s.
With all that being said, it still does not answer the question, “What makes us so different?”  Is it because Africa has a large surplus of women? I have searched several sites and was taken back by some of the most offending comments regarding the relationship of some of these “Happy” couples. One Black woman was upset that she has been unable to get an Asian husband because she felt that she wasn't “Pretty” enough. Another sister was just down right pissed because she had been dumped. Here’s one from a Chinese person, saying “how scary it must be to have sex with a Black women in the dark and being able to see shining teeth.”
I asked a friend that goes by the name, “‘Hopeless Yellow” what attracted him:
“All of my serious relationships have been with Black women of all backgrounds. I’m not sure why I prefer Black women. I just do. Right now, I am not in a relationship but am open to one.
I have no preference when it comes to African-Americans, African Blacks, or Blacks of any nationality and ethnicity. Then again, I've never met anyone from outside the U.S. before.”
Another friend had this to report from a group sources. “One of them said if you’re going to date a black woman; get an African woman because they are small. The black women here in the states are mammies. He talked about they are fat, greasy, and smell. The bad part about it was a lot of black guys were in there talking trash and agreeing. Another group they talked to had this to say. I talked to a few Asian guys, and I asked them why they don’t interact in the groups. One straight up said all of the women in these Face book groups are ugly. Another guy said, ‘They lie.”
I can go on, but it still doesn't answer the question. I guess that love is one of the contributing factors. At least I would like to believe that.  Citizenship to stay in the country? OK, it’s been done.  Is it that American Black women are too harsh? If this is the case, most of us are in considerable trouble.  So, I’m putting the word out to all the Asian men that married American Black and African Black women to tell us readers the truth.  I hope to come back with the answer soon.
And like always, “I’m just saying…”

Monday, July 8, 2013

'Black lifestyle' in Japan

Interesting that they find what is just natural to us as an "Lifestyle." I think we are the only race that can turn something into fashion, music, dance and hair.  And before you know it, everybody is copying it. I'm glad that they find our Black beautiful.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Death And Racism

I'm going to touch on something that might get me a lot of flack; it's something that is truly sad. Today, I was online and looking at some post when I came across a post that was about a 17 year old that was at home enjoying a cook-out with family and friends. When suddenly, it turned tragic. How can this happen you may ask? This young man died in his sister’s lap from being stabbed in the neck over a piece of chicken.  That's right, over a piece of chicken. By someone that came to their home frequently. You would think that you would be safe in your own yard with friends, but when one of them stabs you over your own food! That is too much. Nine out of ten, he didn't bring a damn thing but “his hungry ass” and to top it off, he probably wasn't invited. 

Sad as this maybe, it gets even sadder. As I continued to read this piece, down in the comment section were the most racist things regarding this death, and in many cases it had nothing to do with the crime at all. Here is the site http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Man-Dies-from-Stabbing-Wounds-in-SE--212257081.html?__hstc=223762052.b9ffb900d7681bca715ab9c749e1b6b9.1371934948158.1371934948158.1371934948158.1&__hssc=223762052.1.137193494  It was clear that these people are a part of the lynch mob that never went home. 

And as always, “I’m just saying…and shaking my head”

Monday, June 10, 2013

9 reasons why you don’t want to be rich

MSN recently listed 9 reasons why you don’t want to be rich.  Sure, money can bring a lot of pleasure, power and privilege.  And also a lot of headaches that come along with it.  Listed are the nine reasons why you really don't want to be part of the 1 percent.  I made my own comments after each reason.  For more in-depth detail to the story, check out  http://money.msn.com/leadership/9-reasons-why-you-dont-want-to-be-rich?ocid=fbmsn.

  1.  Secret accounts (which are no longer hidden) (It’s my damn money. What do I need to hide it for, lol?)
  2. Alimony, child support and property settlements (that’s what pre-nupes are for)
  3.  Professional fees (make sure you’re not being cheated. And make sure they pay your taxes.)
  4.  Estate taxes (I’m dead, what do I care.  That’s up to the attorney and probate court)
  5.  Trust-fund brats (put some aside to be used at 30 year)
  6.  Lawsuits (be careful who you associate with)
  7.  Security systems (don’t be all flash to begin with)
  8. Trouble with 'the help' (don’t hire some woman looking like a hooker)
  9. Big fat income tax bills (make sure your accountant is paying)
Even after I read the article, I have to conclude, I’d still want to be a part of the 1%.  Well at least be able  not to worry if there’s enough in the checking to pay cable, lol.

And like always, “I’m just saying…”

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Something to stop unwanted sex...

Round of applause to Sonette Ehlers a South African medical technician who developed a device that has gotten national attention there.  Ehlers came up with a product that is called the Rapex. The Rapex looks like a tube, with barbs inside.  Women insert it like a tampon with an applicator.   If a man tries to have unwanted sex, he will have impaled himself on the barbs.  The only way to remove this is to go to an emergency room.  Now everybody knows what you were attempting to do.

I for one think it’s a marvelous idea. It will make men think twice about taking something when you’ve been told NO!  When critics complained that it was a medieval punishment, Ehlers replied tersely, “A medieval device for a medieval deed.” Http://rgarcia4616.tumblr.com/

And as always, "I'm just saying...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Dog gives woman relief

OK, let me say that I have read and seen some strange things.  But this one is something else and just down right ... you know what, I’ll let you be the judge. Anyway, this Special Education teacher from Maryland, for some reason was being investigated. But during a search of her home, investigators came across video tapes and pictures of this woman engaged in various acts of sex with the family dog! I'll give you a moment to let this sink in. Apparently, this had been taking place over a month’s time in 2008.  

She was arrested on “unnatural or perverted sexual practice.”   The State’s Attorney Joseph Cassilly said he was uncertain how many times the alleged acts occurred, but the indictment says it occurred over a period of time, “[that] to me says it’s more than one instance,” reports the Baltimore Sun.  She was suspended from her position without pay on May 1 and faces 10 years in jail and a $1,000 fine. The dog is still living with the family.

This poor traumatized dog. What must he be going through? Does he now think every time his sees a naked family member it's time to have sex? It's bad enough that the dog might be humping their company’s legs or sticking his nose in your crouch. 
Clearly this woman was not getting what she needed and turned to the dog for help.  I can only imagine if this woman had a horse.  She needs a B.O.B. (battery operated boyfriend).  Are sex shops prohibited in Maryland? Or maybe she was too embarrassed to go a sex shop and buy one.  I tell you, I would rather, be seen coming out of the store by a student’s parent than being caught lying up with the dog. But who am I to judge, different strokes for different folks.  And as always, “I’m just saying…”

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

3-D Food, what will they think of next?

3-D food?  Well before you dismiss the idea, the future is closer than you think. It seems that NASA has awarded a Texas company a $125,000 grant to develop a food synthesizer to create 3-D food.  Yes, you read it correctly, 3-D food!  The first thing they will make is pizza. And if this works, the company hopes that every kitchen will have a 3D printer.

Here's how it works: "The printer takes its ingredients from attached canisters of powdered food and oils. It combines those ingredients in a mixing chamber and uses the 3-D printer to shape the food. With a pizza, the dough is mixed from powders and printed as the first layer. It gets cooked as it is printed, according to Quartz. Then a layer of tomato sauce is mixed and added. And so on."  http://money.msn.com/now/post.aspx?post=991cb217-4874-4531-85dd-ca1049357c75

All this sounds interesting, but how will it taste? That's going to be the real question. Will it take the place of cooks reading recipes, mixing bowls, and measuring cups? Do I just type in what I have a craving for and out pops my smoked salmon with dill sauce?  All this “Star Trek” stuff sounds intriguing, but there's something about being able to say, "I slaved over a hot stove and made it myself." That a 3-D printer can't do.

With all this scientific stuff going on, I guess the next family reunion will be held on Mars after all, lol.  I'm just saying...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

For your next vacation, come to the red planet. Come to Mars

Sometime in the future, we can expect to see commercials or ads from travel agencies telling us how Mars is a great place to vacation. Cruise ships are gearing up to tempt you with their zero gravity room, while serving drinks on the Mars deck. 

But for now, it seems that there are people actually signing up to colonize Mars. What's the catch, you might ask? Once you get there, you're there forever. They will prepare you for eight years for the mission. 

So, now you're living on a planet with no breathable air, climate is 58 degree,  you're building living space,  doing maintenance, living with a bunch of people in close quarters. There's nowhere to go but to your bunk, somebodies going to lose their mind.  The only people I can see doing this are those that have no family and will not be missed (sorry if that sounds cold).  What do you do, will they have Wi-Fi, or cable?  One guy stated that he wanted to take his bike.  Really, where the hell are you riding it to? 

The Dutch company that's sponsoring this require the successful candidates to raise money for this project during this training period. The company even hopes to make a Reality Show on these people.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole idea of living there. Maybe when things are more populated, there’s a McDonald’s and they have transportation coming back to earth on a regular basis, I might give it some thought. Until then, I’m just saying…

Monday, May 13, 2013

Stick me with a fork, I'm done!

It seems that a lot of Facebook account holder’s enjoy a friendly game of “Words with Friends.”  For those that may not be familiar with the online game it’s Scramble where you spell out words using the letters of an already played word. And like many of us that engage in this, you can easily have several games going at once.  At one time,  I was playing with eight friends. I enjoy playing because it’s at a nice steady pace. 

OK, so you’re asking why she is writing about Words with Friends. I’m writing because I have an issue with the game. Yes, I said issue. It seems that certain words are not playable. We know these words are real and that they can be found in dictionaries. None of the urban jargon, I’m talking about words that are used every day in most cases.

For instance, I’m playing with against my cousin, who just happens to be a shark with words, lol.  And I see the perfect play, the word is CUE. It’s a real word, not made up. I play my tiles, and it tells me that it’s not a word. NOT A WORD? What the hell! Last time I looked in the dictionary it was. I couldn’t believe it, I attempted to play it again and again I was told the same thing. Now I’m livid. Somebody, stick me with a fork, ‘cause I’m done. I can’t play the word CUE, but I can play the word QI.  When was the last time you used QI in a sentence, (unless you’re Chinese) or the word ZA?   

So what do I do? I pass. Because the only vowels I have are the u and e, I can’t use what I have unless I’m spelling a Greek last name, lol (don’t be offended. Some of my best friends are). And like so many tragic endings, my cousin wins again.  Swear she has a cheat code, lol. 

And as always, “I’m just saying…”

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Killed over dog poop? Really!!

I had to say on this because I find that this is the one of the stupidest thing I've read in a long time. Apparently, this man had some words in the past with his neighbor about the dogs pooping in his yard. The man goes to the neighbor's and gets killed! This poor guy was shot once in the neck, and four times in the back (he must have been trying to run away). Then it was reported that the shooter, stood there in disbelief.  This shooter knew what he was doing when he came to the door with the gun. He had every intention of shooting, but then to shoot the guy in the back four times!  The shoot testified, " He acted in self-defense because the man threatened him over the dogs. " Hey, you were the only one with a weapon, duh!  

I feel like this if you have no intention of cleaning up after your dog, then let them poop in your yard. Don't get an attitude because  your neighbor ask you to stop your dog from pooping on their property. Now here you are sitting in jail for a crime that is too embarrassing to tell other prisoner what you're in for, over dog poop, (smh, lol). Talk about being the butt of prison jokes. And what about the dead man's family, how do you tell your children that their father was killed over dog poop. 

People, if you don't like dogs pooping on your property, spray the poop and the area with some dog repellent or with some ammonia. Because it's not worth dying for or going to jail for.  And as always, "I'm just saying..."

Friday, May 3, 2013

What is success to you?

"The more successful I become, the more I need a 

man." - Beyonce Knowles Carter .  

Not to put Beyonce down, but it made me take a long hard look at her statement. Everyone wants to be successful, but how do you see yourself. Do you feel as she does, or do you think that it takes more than a man to complete you?  I personally don't need a man to make me successful.  I've been successful in many ways.  However, it's gratifying to have someone to share your successfulness with.  How do you measure success? Is it determined by money, expensive cars, high profile job, achievements or maybe its family?  Just how do you determine your success? I would love to hear your thoughts. And as always, "I'm just saying...”

Monday, April 29, 2013

Was Judge Jeanine Pirro, just a little upset? Tell me, lol.

It seems that Judge Jeanine Pirro has no problem letting people in her TV court room know how she feels when handing out judgement.  She also doesn't have a problem letting the public know her feelings on the Boston bombing either.  Check her out on the link below.  I'm interested in your take of the matter. And as always, "I Just Saying..."

Judge Jeanine Pirro Slams Jihad Mom: "Lady, You Shouldn't Be Allowed Here"

Friday, April 26, 2013

Who the heck are these people anyway?

Hi, it's me Janet.

We've all gotten them, you know those e-mails from some country claiming you as the sole benefactor of millions of dollars. According to these emails, I have a family member in Africa named Oomfufu Barumbey that died and left me MILLION"S of  U.S. dollar's.

OK, let's look closely at this. First, true somewhere down the genealogy line I have some African connection. What tribe and all the other stuff, I don't know. But apparently, Oomfufu has done his or hers homework and found me. Secondly, why didn't Oomfufu contact me before when they found this vital information out! And thirdly, why do I have to send some money up front to get what is suppose to be mine, what the hell!

Or what about the one from the poor woman that just happen to be a college graduate. Her email had more misspelled words than the law allows. She needed money for a very expensive operation.  Maybe it's legit, in most cases, it's not. Why not? Because there are organizations, real ones that can help. Now maybe, just maybe if it came from one of those well known places I just might help. And that's after I've done some research into it.

The bottom line is you would be surprise just how many people fall for this. Specially the elderly, they fall prey to these scams daily. People let's face it, there are no long lost relatives with all this money. And well-educated Becky Sue from Butt Fuck Arkansas does not exist. So keep your money and your elderly family members's safe.  I'm just saying....

PS: No, this is not my pictures so don't be sending me some crazy email asking if it is. Everybody knows that I look like Tina Turner (I can dream damn it), lol.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Welcome to my blog or should I call it ramblings, lol

As you can see, I've started a blog called, "I'm Just Saying..." So let me set things straight, I may  blog about things that some people may find off the wall, colorful, insightful, funny, dull, educational, offensive, or shocking. Then, on the other hand, I may blog about things that are just rattling around in my head.  The point is, I don't mean to hurt anybody, and if by chance I do, drop me a line and tell me.  As the old saying goes, "If I can dish it out, you should be able to take it."    

I hope to hear from you guys and with all that being said, let the blogging begin.   I'm just saying....

PS: No, this is not my pictures so don't be sending me some crazy email asking if it is. Everybody knows that I look like Tina Turner (I can dream damn it), lol.