Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Things that make you go Hmm?

Have  you ever bought a product and with hindsight wondered where the heck it came or made? Like that bottle of "Spring" water. We all know that the chances of actually getting "pure" spring water are almost none existed. Well as consumers, we have the right to know where the products we purchase come from. And with so many things being cheaply made and in most cases unregulated in countries like China and Taiwan (I'm not saying that this is true with every product so don't get your panties in a bunch). Some of those companies are out to make a quick dollar that it just doesn't meet USA standards like some of  those new spiral light bulbs.
But I'm not here to talk about how poorly products are being made, I'm talking about being able to read the barcode on the products.  I found this information extremely interesting. Especially if you are particular about where your products come from or if you're boycotting a country. Below you'll find a sample bar code, which just happen to be a product from Taiwan. Also, you'll find some the country bar codes. Instead of trying to memorize  the codes,  I suggest that you write this information on an index card or smaller and bring it when you shop. Use this information to your health. 

Does bar code say made in China?

Want to learn more about barcodes? Check out this Wikihow.com  http://www.wikihow.com/Read-12-Digit-UPC-Barcodes They go into greater details.

And as always, "I'm just Saying...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Why are Chinese men marrying Black African women and not Black American Women

OK, I've noticed that there are a lot of Chinese men marrying African women. That made  me to wonder what makes my African sisters able to attract these men and my African American sister catching hell to get one?  So, I sat out to find the answer and came across some pretty intriguing probabilities.
1.             These Chinese men travel to other countries to start a business. And unless they start importing Chinese women, they’re going to start dating and marrying what is available.
2.            There is a shortage of Chinese women in China due to their one child per family. And most of them are praying to Buda that they have a boy.  You can have another child or multiple it is frowned upon by the government and society. You have to pay a fine and all the medical concerning this addition. And who has that kind of money, even the wealthy Chinese aren't doing it.  There is a happier side if you live in a rural area, farm country you can have all the kids you want.  The reason for this is most of the young people leave and go to school and work in the big cities. That means there  are fewer people to work on the farms. Parents are always hoping that at least some of your kids will stay and help work the farm.
3.            Chinese men want that son’s. The men in China will divorce their wives and marry another woman until they get that son. In some cases, they have divorced several times to have several son’s.
With all that being said, it still does not answer the question, “What makes us so different?”  Is it because Africa has a large surplus of women? I have searched several sites and was taken back by some of the most offending comments regarding the relationship of some of these “Happy” couples. One Black woman was upset that she has been unable to get an Asian husband because she felt that she wasn't “Pretty” enough. Another sister was just down right pissed because she had been dumped. Here’s one from a Chinese person, saying “how scary it must be to have sex with a Black women in the dark and being able to see shining teeth.”
I asked a friend that goes by the name, “‘Hopeless Yellow” what attracted him:
“All of my serious relationships have been with Black women of all backgrounds. I’m not sure why I prefer Black women. I just do. Right now, I am not in a relationship but am open to one.
I have no preference when it comes to African-Americans, African Blacks, or Blacks of any nationality and ethnicity. Then again, I've never met anyone from outside the U.S. before.”
Another friend had this to report from a group sources. “One of them said if you’re going to date a black woman; get an African woman because they are small. The black women here in the states are mammies. He talked about they are fat, greasy, and smell. The bad part about it was a lot of black guys were in there talking trash and agreeing. Another group they talked to had this to say. I talked to a few Asian guys, and I asked them why they don’t interact in the groups. One straight up said all of the women in these Face book groups are ugly. Another guy said, ‘They lie.”
I can go on, but it still doesn't answer the question. I guess that love is one of the contributing factors. At least I would like to believe that.  Citizenship to stay in the country? OK, it’s been done.  Is it that American Black women are too harsh? If this is the case, most of us are in considerable trouble.  So, I’m putting the word out to all the Asian men that married American Black and African Black women to tell us readers the truth.  I hope to come back with the answer soon.
And like always, “I’m just saying…”

Monday, July 8, 2013

'Black lifestyle' in Japan

Interesting that they find what is just natural to us as an "Lifestyle." I think we are the only race that can turn something into fashion, music, dance and hair.  And before you know it, everybody is copying it. I'm glad that they find our Black beautiful.