Saturday, June 22, 2013

Death And Racism

I'm going to touch on something that might get me a lot of flack; it's something that is truly sad. Today, I was online and looking at some post when I came across a post that was about a 17 year old that was at home enjoying a cook-out with family and friends. When suddenly, it turned tragic. How can this happen you may ask? This young man died in his sister’s lap from being stabbed in the neck over a piece of chicken.  That's right, over a piece of chicken. By someone that came to their home frequently. You would think that you would be safe in your own yard with friends, but when one of them stabs you over your own food! That is too much. Nine out of ten, he didn't bring a damn thing but “his hungry ass” and to top it off, he probably wasn't invited. 

Sad as this maybe, it gets even sadder. As I continued to read this piece, down in the comment section were the most racist things regarding this death, and in many cases it had nothing to do with the crime at all. Here is the site  It was clear that these people are a part of the lynch mob that never went home. 

And as always, “I’m just saying…and shaking my head”

Monday, June 10, 2013

9 reasons why you don’t want to be rich

MSN recently listed 9 reasons why you don’t want to be rich.  Sure, money can bring a lot of pleasure, power and privilege.  And also a lot of headaches that come along with it.  Listed are the nine reasons why you really don't want to be part of the 1 percent.  I made my own comments after each reason.  For more in-depth detail to the story, check out

  1.  Secret accounts (which are no longer hidden) (It’s my damn money. What do I need to hide it for, lol?)
  2. Alimony, child support and property settlements (that’s what pre-nupes are for)
  3.  Professional fees (make sure you’re not being cheated. And make sure they pay your taxes.)
  4.  Estate taxes (I’m dead, what do I care.  That’s up to the attorney and probate court)
  5.  Trust-fund brats (put some aside to be used at 30 year)
  6.  Lawsuits (be careful who you associate with)
  7.  Security systems (don’t be all flash to begin with)
  8. Trouble with 'the help' (don’t hire some woman looking like a hooker)
  9. Big fat income tax bills (make sure your accountant is paying)
Even after I read the article, I have to conclude, I’d still want to be a part of the 1%.  Well at least be able  not to worry if there’s enough in the checking to pay cable, lol.

And like always, “I’m just saying…”

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Something to stop unwanted sex...

Round of applause to Sonette Ehlers a South African medical technician who developed a device that has gotten national attention there.  Ehlers came up with a product that is called the Rapex. The Rapex looks like a tube, with barbs inside.  Women insert it like a tampon with an applicator.   If a man tries to have unwanted sex, he will have impaled himself on the barbs.  The only way to remove this is to go to an emergency room.  Now everybody knows what you were attempting to do.

I for one think it’s a marvelous idea. It will make men think twice about taking something when you’ve been told NO!  When critics complained that it was a medieval punishment, Ehlers replied tersely, “A medieval device for a medieval deed.” Http://

And as always, "I'm just saying...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Dog gives woman relief

OK, let me say that I have read and seen some strange things.  But this one is something else and just down right ... you know what, I’ll let you be the judge. Anyway, this Special Education teacher from Maryland, for some reason was being investigated. But during a search of her home, investigators came across video tapes and pictures of this woman engaged in various acts of sex with the family dog! I'll give you a moment to let this sink in. Apparently, this had been taking place over a month’s time in 2008.  

She was arrested on “unnatural or perverted sexual practice.”   The State’s Attorney Joseph Cassilly said he was uncertain how many times the alleged acts occurred, but the indictment says it occurred over a period of time, “[that] to me says it’s more than one instance,” reports the Baltimore Sun.  She was suspended from her position without pay on May 1 and faces 10 years in jail and a $1,000 fine. The dog is still living with the family.

This poor traumatized dog. What must he be going through? Does he now think every time his sees a naked family member it's time to have sex? It's bad enough that the dog might be humping their company’s legs or sticking his nose in your crouch. 
Clearly this woman was not getting what she needed and turned to the dog for help.  I can only imagine if this woman had a horse.  She needs a B.O.B. (battery operated boyfriend).  Are sex shops prohibited in Maryland? Or maybe she was too embarrassed to go a sex shop and buy one.  I tell you, I would rather, be seen coming out of the store by a student’s parent than being caught lying up with the dog. But who am I to judge, different strokes for different folks.  And as always, “I’m just saying…”