going to touch on something that might get me a lot of flack; it's something
that is truly sad. Today, I was online and looking at some post when I came
across a post that was about a 17 year old that was at home enjoying a cook-out
with family and friends. When suddenly, it turned tragic. How can this happen you
may ask? This young man died in his sister’s lap from being stabbed in the neck
over a piece of chicken. That's right, over a piece of chicken. By someone that came to their home frequently.
You would think that you would be safe in your own yard with friends, but when
one of them stabs you over your own food! That is too much. Nine out of ten, he
didn't bring a damn thing but “his hungry ass” and to top it off, he probably
wasn't invited.
Sad as this maybe, it gets even sadder. As I continued to read
this piece, down in the comment section were the most racist things regarding
this death, and in many cases it had nothing to do with the crime at all. Here
is the site http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Man-Dies-from-Stabbing-Wounds-in-SE--212257081.html?__hstc=223762052.b9ffb900d7681bca715ab9c749e1b6b9.1371934948158.1371934948158.1371934948158.1&__hssc=223762052.1.137193494
It was clear that these people are a part of the lynch mob that never went home.
as always, “I’m just saying…and shaking my head”